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Taking a long view

For the ministry to thrive and reach more people for Christ, it takes people like you who see the big picture.  You know that ministry is more than just "today" -- it's setting in motion the momentum to transform lives for eternity long past our time on earth! 

This past year, we developed a 3-year strategy* and funding plan with ministry goals to accomplish by 2020.  We are setting in place a long-term financial plan to alleviate financial stresses, create a reserve fund for unforeseen circumstances, and build an endowment fund. 

3 year strategy

To accomplish this, which will lay a strong foundation for the ministry to flourish long-term, we are asking you to invest in Lifeline's future:

Invest in immediate needs: 
This group of investors builds the foundation for Lifeline's ministries.  These donors sustain critical ministry areas and provide fuel for ministry growth. Will you be one of 200 families to make a commitment of $1000-10,000+ each year?
Project partners: 
Project partners invest in the ministry infrastructure, which includes constructing, restoring, and maintaining our facilities.  Our 3-year strategy focuses on these 6 key funding initiatives: build 600 homes for families, establish 8 sending & equipping centers for leadership development, launch 25 church plants, expand educational opportunities in 10 schools, fully fund our 2 children's homes, and other ministry projects.  Over next 3 years, these major areas will strive to extend hope and elevate people in the locations we serve.  Will you commit to a project area you are passionate about?
Investing in the future: 
These ministry investors invest in the future of Lifeline's ministries and provide a long-term revenue stream.  These donations are preserved and the earnings are used for ministry growth. These impact gifts may include cash donations, estate gifts, transfer of assets like stocks/bonds, etc.  Will you make an impact gift for long-term ministry growth?

Lifeline's future goes way beyond you and I.  You are setting in motion a momentum to transform the next generation, as God continues to lay new foundations for the ministry!

Contact one of our ministry team today: Andy, Ben, Bob, Gretchen, Joel, Will

*Download the ministry impact and strategy