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go with lifeline

go with lifeline

A Lifeline mission trip is more than a destination or stamp in your passport; it is an opportunity to serve and experience God moving in another language, culture, and people! Come with eager expectation for God to ignite a spark in your life!

If you have been on a Lifeline trip in the past, you will notice some exciting changes. In a holistic approach to ministry and based input from our field staff in all of our locations, our field staff will now take an increased role with our visiting team activities. This will open up opportunities for team members to come alongside our pastors, teachers, health care workers, administrators, and staff by assisting them in their respective ministries.

I want to go on a mission trip but it seems overwhelming.

God’s called us to serve Him, yet stepping into the unknown can be overwhelming. We understand your struggle. We’re here to help throughout your mission trip experience, from pre-planning until the trip is over.

We create mission trips that utilize your team's strengths and abilities, while meeting the needs of the communities we are serving.
  • Flexible teams: Churches/groups can schedule trips exclusive to their church/group or join in with other teams. Individuals and families are also welcome
  • Group sizes are smaller to enable more personal interactions with the communities
  • Discover another culture: see how God is moving and how you can come alongside what He is already doing
  • Serve together: encourage and work side-by-side with our field staff and leaders to further the ministry
  • Intentional trips: we take into account the teams’ strengths and abilities to provide a comprehensive experience
  • Experienced leaders: nearly 40 years of facilitating global mission trips

Churches & Groups:

Why bring your group with us?

  • Churches/groups can schedule trips exclusive to their church/group or join in with other teams
  • We work with you to find an area to serve that fits your church’s mission and group’s abilities
  • Discounts for group sizes
  • Variety of trip locations to select from
  • Environment for spiritual growth for your team

The Gospel will be shared. Lives will be changed.

Individuals & Families:

Not part of a larger group? No problem!

  • We work with you to find an area to serve that fits you/your family’s passions and abilities
  • Variety of dates for you to join a scheduled trip
  • Individual fundraising tools
  • Variety of trip locations to select from
  • Meet other like-minded people as you serve

Come as individuals. Leave as family!