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Lifeline Christian Mission is committed to financial integrity and accountability.

Lifeline Christian Mission is a registered 501(c)3 in the United States and a registered charity in Canada. All or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax advisor.

Ways to give
There are many ways that you can donate to share the love of Christ around the world! Explore your giving options.

Annual Global Ministry Impact 
God is moving through Lifeline's ministries and lives are being transformed for Christ! View Lifeline's Global Impact Report to discover how God is moving through the generosity of so many people. 

Financial integrity & accountability
Lifeline is accredited by independent, third-party organizations and uses their guidelines to follow standards of financial accountability, fundraising, board governance, ministry development, non-monetary/gift-in-kind donation standards, etc. 
Accord Network    ECFA   Candid silver transparency 2022

Ministry Member Video from ECFA on Vimeo.

990 Forms Auditor's report






Coming soon!
2021 Report

2020 Report

2019 Report
2018 Report

2017 Report

2016 Report