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Volunteers are Valued at Lifeline

We can't serve those in need around the world without our volunteers.

At Lifeline, our volunteers use their talents and abilities to serve God. You could serve Him anywhere! Volunteer in the U.S. or Canada, in your home, your community, or even on the mission field. You never know how God will use you when you make yourself available to Him!

There are 3 types of volunteer opportunities!
Which one fits you?
Group Volunteering
An easy first step for all ages

Groups of all sizes and ages are invited to serve, such as corporate groups, families, churches, community groups, and youth organizations! There are roles for everyone: sorting donated supplies, warehouse assistance, and so much more! Your volunteer time is customized to the abilities, ages, and interests of those who serve, and the needs of the ministry.

Groups can schedule their own time to serve or join scheduled events. Business hours, evenings, and weekend opportunities are available.

Individual Volunteering 
Serve once, occasionally or on a regular schedule

You can use your giftedness to assist the ministry at times that work around your schedule. There are a wide variety of roles and opportunities to serve, whether you want to serve once, serve occasionally, or even weekly.
Volunteer Staff
Dedicated to lead & serve

Are you interested in using your education, employment, and/or life experiences to help lead within the ministry? Our volunteer staff are driven people with high expectations. You'll serve side-by-side with our ministry staff or oversee a ministry team. Hours are flexible and vary from part time to full time, based upon your role.

More information coming soon!

Still struggling to find your fit?
We love helping people find their sweet spot in serving!
Simply contact us at and we can look at opportunities together!