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Winslow, Arizona

Winslow at a Glance

The small town of Winslow may feel like it’s in the middle of nowhere. It has 9400 residents and is located in northern Arizona, just outside of the Navajo Reservation. The town is a Route 66 community, about an hour east of Flagstaff and about 90 minutes west of the New Mexico border by way of I-40. 

Winslow has an interesting mix of demographics, containing roughly 35% Hispanics, 25% American Indians, 25% Whites, and 10% from other or mixed races. Such balanced diversity offers unique yet challenging opportunities for the church, with ample chances for multicultural ministries. About a quarter of the town’s population lives in poverty, and the town also struggles with joblessness, alcohol and drug abuse, and gang violence. 

Despite its issues, Winslow is filled with families who love their small town. Many are loyal to businesses and services, encouraging others to keep buying local. There is a willingness to serve the community that ignites an excitement for those who are a part of this town. Overall, Winslonians have a lot of pride for their town and are saddened by the ongoing violence, gang issues, and racial segregation.

The Navajo Tribe lives on the largest reservation in the United States. The reservation takes up the entire northeast corner of Arizona, and extends into Utah and New Mexico, as well. There are roughly 175,000 people living on tribal lands, with 43% of those people living below the poverty line, and about the same amount unemployed. As on many reservations, the Navajo people also struggle with substance abuse. Even with these struggles, the Navajo are proud of their land, their culture, and their traditions. There are many challenges to ministry on the reservation, from cultural and language barriers to restrictive laws on what can operate on tribal lands.

Lifeline in Winslow, Arizona

Lifeline began its involvement in northern Arizona in 2011. Lifeline’s primary ministry in this area is through Winslow Christian School in Winslow, Arizona. Lifeline has also partnered with church planting adventures in northern Arizona. Additionally, Lifeline hosts mission trips to the area that focus on meeting specific local needs identified by the leadership at Winslow Christian School.

As you may know, the city of Winslow was made famous by the Jackson Browne song lyrics, “... standing on the corner of Winslow, Arizona....” Winslow is located near many breathtaking sites such as the Painted Desert, the Grand Canyon, Sedona, and more!

Over the years, Winslow Christian School has grown and seen many changes. Originally named Red Sands Christian School, it began as a school exclusively for children from the Native American Navajo tribe. Winslow Christian School now serves a diverse population of children. The school moved from its original location near the Navajo Reservation and is now located in the city of Winslow. 

Lifeline’s vision for Winslow Christian School is to become a self-sustaining entity that stands independently. Lifeline is committed to seeing the school grow into that reality in the near future. As the school moves toward financial independence, Lifeline’s desire is to take on a Coach/Partner type of role to serve the school as it reaches more and more children with the love of Jesus, truly being Good News in Winslow and the surrounding area.


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