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Funds Raised:
$1,060.00 donated




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Grande Prairie Church Of Christ Mealpack

Grande Prairie Church of Christ will be hosting a Lifeline Meal Packing event on Saturday, April 22, 2023.

Please join us at the Highland location at 10am and/or at Mission Heights at 2 pm where together we'll aim to pack approximately 22,000 meals to send off to Turkey & Syria which have been recently affected by a major earthquake. This will require a budget of $10,000.

This a great opportunity for us as a church to come together and serve. Bring your friends, families, life groups and neighbors... anyone can get involved! Kids ages 4 and up can participate with their parents.

BBQ and festivities to follow!

James 2:15-17 NIV
Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.



Thank you for making an impact by packing meals! 

People packing meals collage of photos

The meals you pack are going to children and families around the world who are impacted by hunger. 

Not only is your donation providing meals for these hungry families, but it is also providing them with the opportunity to know that Jesus loves them. It is a tangible expression of his love! 

Children eating meals packed

Thank you from the children and families you are helping around the world!

Funds Raised:

Make a Donation »
Name Amount Date Comment
Private $500.00 Mar 11th, 2023
Private $100.00 Mar 12th, 2023
Communications Coordinator $100.00 Mar 12th, 2023 Mealpack
Sandra Murray $100.00 Mar 13th, 2023
Katherine & Craig Schmidt $200.00 Apr 11th, 2023
Private $60.00 Apr 21st, 2023