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Canada at a Glance

Canada is located in the top half of North America and borders three oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic. It is divided into ten provinces and three territories. Canada has a diverse landscape with beautiful lakes, rolling plains, majestic mountains, and breathtaking views. It is also known for its mosaic culture with multiple religions, world views, and ethnicities.  

Lifeline in Canada

Lifeline’s ministry, which is located in Calgary, Alberta, was launched in 2012 with a dual purpose. One goal of Lifeline Canada is to encourage churches and provide opportunities for their congregations to live life on mission. Some of the opportunities include meal pack events, hosting mission teams, going on a mission trip, and container outfitting projects. This focus impacts churches and individuals from all across Canada!

The second goal focuses on churches. There is a need to create more places of worship and teaching, providing support and encouragement to communities across Canada. So more than ever, during these challenging times, we need leaders and churches to point people to Jesus giving them hope. That’s why Lifeline Canada is also focusing on planting new churches all over Canada.

Canada map


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