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Cause: Churches

Christ is the hope for the world and God moves through His church!
When vibrant churches are planted, existing churches are multiplied, and church communities are equipped to share God's love, His church is unstoppable! As we become aligned with God's purpose, individuals and communities are transformed for eternity.

What does this look like on the field?

We strive to build a network of churches who are thriving, reaching their community, and impacting lives for Christ!

Regional Bible institutes develop new leaders through 2 or 4-year programs. Students attend classes and receive hands-on experience by working with local pastors.

Vibrant churches are planted to expand God’s Kingdom around the world! These churches reflect their local community to be more effective in outreach and sharing God’s Word.

Discipleship training is imperative to multiply churches! Church staff and leaders learn how to disciple others in their communities to strengthen and grow the church. This becomes a multiplying factor: as people are discipled, then the church grows and more people are discipled!

Leadership development is interwoven throughout each church plant.
Leading a church is hard and demanding, as it takes an emotional, relational, mental, and physical toll on a person! It’s important to walk alongside leaders to strengthen, encourage, and further develop their leadership accuity, while pouring into their marriages and their families. Leadership requires a strong support system.

You can make a difference!
Explore opportunities that tap into your passion and abilities.
Join a mission trip and be part of God's work in a different culture.
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