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Cause: Youth

Kids are tomorrow’s leaders!
A generational shift happens when local churches work alongside communities to empower our youth to change their tomorrows. When these kids are unleashed to reach their highest potential, the future becomes filled with unlimited possibilities!

What does this look like in the field?

Today’s youth really are tomorrow’s leaders. We can impact how they lead when we pour into youth with biblical principles, servant leadership, and Godly influences! What does this look like?

Lifeline’s Christian schools provide a strong biblical foundation while preparing students for their next step in life. In the communities where we serve, an education is not always guaranteed. Thus, our schools have the opportunity to meet an essential need while sharing God’s love with kids and communities! Schools are also locally operated with administrators, educators, and support staff.

Life skills give youth hands-on experience which translates into real world jobs! As youth explore opportunities in safe spaces - like learning how to cook, serve meals, and manage a small, local restaurant - they discover their strengths and passions. They can take those skills and put them to work through employment or build on those skills through additional education. Confidence is built while Godly leaders pour into them!

Grab a soccer ball or a baseball and kids will follow! But instead of relying on the local community to organize a league, our local churches take the initiative! Kids play the games they love with coaches who are leaders in local Lifeline churches. While gathering game skills, learning to rely on their teammates, and trusting the guidance of the coaches, kids learn about God’s love through devotion times and by watching their coach live out their faith.

Interwoven throughout all this is leadership development.
Youth who step into leadership roles with knowledge and experience will stand above the rest and make a difference! And when these leadership skills have a biblical foundation, then communities and countries will move!

You can make a difference!
Explore opportunities that tap into your passion and abilities.
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