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Where is Kisumu?
Kisumu is located in western Kenya near Lake Victoria. It is recognized as a gateway into the East African Lakes region. 

How big is Kisumu?
Kisumu is the third largest city and is the capital of Kisumu County. Kisumu County has a population of about 1,155,574 (according to the 2019 National Census) and about 50% reside in the city. 


How many people live in poverty in Kisumu?
70% of people in the city of Kisumu are at the food poverty level; in rural Kisumu 64% of people are at the food poverty level. Both are far above the national average of 53%. In addition, 60% of city residents live in informal slums and squatter settlements that lack basic services.

What is the vision of BeFriend Kisumu?
We are working so that the poor and vulnerable in Kisumu may have life and have it in abundance. 

What is the project goal?

To empower 35 churches to reach 1,500 households.

BeFriend Kisumu will seek to transform the lives of 1,500 families and empower a church-led transformation movement of 35 churches in urban and rural communities in Kisumu county. This will happen through multiple partnerships… a movement of churches in North America that are friending the community of Kisumu.

What are the specific objectives?

1. To equip the 35 local churches in wholistic ministry in order to bring about transformation.

  • In three years we will have 35 churches multiplying their transformational impact as they invest in other churches.
  • During these three years, the churches will expand their reach throughout and beyond Kisumu County and grow lasting spiritual fruit that changes lives. 

2. To provide education for 3,000 orphans and vulnerable children and literacy training for 1,000 adults.

  • Churches will build intentional partnerships with local schools to support children who face barriers to attending school.
  • The project will launch adult literacy classes coupled with numeracy instruction to ensure that community members have relevant skills to run their businesses and rise above their circumstances.

3. To empower 4,000 disadvantaged women, children, and youth.

  • We will work with at-risk women, youth, and children to build their sense of self-worth and instill hope so they can envision and plan a future for themselves.
  • The churches in Kisumu will advocate for the poor and vulnerable and strengthen their voice.

4. To economically empower 6,000 adults to engage in entrepreneurship.

  • In a phased approach over three years, wholistic transformation groups in the local church will equip adults with entrepreneurial skills, initiate income-generating activities, and create savings & loan groups (“associations”) which will help members build a foundation for economic growth and stability.
  • We will build the “associations’” capital base so they can lend to more community members.
  • Business skills training will enhance the ability of (new) entrepreneurs to generate income and build sustainable small businesses.

5. To promote the health of 1,500 households (6,000 people) through health education.

  • Community health workers will offer preventative health education through home visits, churches, and/or schools to address issues that may be causing poor health or the spread of disease.
  • Leaders will encourage community members to subscribe to the national hospital insurance fund or to other available affordable health insurance programs.