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Ecuador at a Glance

Tucked into the foothills of the Andes mountains of South America, Quito is the modern, vibrant capital of Ecuador. The equator runs through this city, separating the Northern and Southern hemispheres, but the climate is typically cooler because of the altitude.

Lifeline in Ecuador

In 2018, Lifeline was asked to oversee a school serving an impoverished neighborhood on the outskirts of Quito. For five years, we discipled the students and staff, challenging them to be an “ambassador” in their communities no matter where their life might take them. This school is now independent of Lifeline.

In 2022, Lifeline’s Ecuadorian leaders began to sense God calling them into a new community with a broader vision. Today, they are working solely in Llano Chico, another community within Quito with even greater opportunity. We have secured property and are raising funds to build a community center that will become a hub for holistic education, economic empowerment initiatives, community development, and a network of house churches. Our passion for vulnerable children and families will continue to drive us in the new community.

This bold new venture is exciting as we begin ministry in a new location and build new relationships. God has already begun opening doors and sending “people of peace” within that community. Lifeline’s Ecuadorian leaders see it as the next step for becoming true ambassadors who mobilize, develop and empower children, families and communities.


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