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El Salvador

El Salvador at a Glance

This small, Central American country is surrounded by 18 volcanos, rugged terrain, and “black beaches” along the Pacific coast which is known for excellent surfing. Like many places in the developing world, the modern urban centers seem to clash with the simple, rustic lifestyles in higher elevations and the constant struggle of everyday workers. Gangs have infiltrated various aspects of society, especially among the working class who must live in fear of clashes and recruiting of their children. Security is a felt need for most and is what drives many to seek asylum in places like the USA. 

Lifeline in El Salvador

Lifeline’s ministry in El Salvador launched in 2005. Authentic, dynamic communities of believers quickly established house churches, which used sports and children’s ministries to spread the Good News to their neighbors. Our first Bible Institute also began there, sending leaders to plant more churches throughout El Salvador, as well as Guatemala, Panama, and Honduras. Today, Lifeline has a strong network of churches with full-time pastors and numerous house churches.

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