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youth development HERE
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Set kids up to thrive beyond today!

Elevate Kids is a community of generous monthly donors like you who are passionate about elevating children and youth all over the world! Our Lifeline schools in Haiti, Honduras and Arizona are locally led and operated. They provide affordable Christian education to kids in the communities. Our nutrition program in Haiti provides life-changing formula and meals to undernourished infants and toddlers, helping their bodies grow and thrive.

Your monthly gift matters! It elevates children and teachers, empowers them to rise above their circumstances, and ripples out to impact the community.

Holistic Approach 

Spiritual – Bible classes, conversations about Jesus and following Him, prayers, and more!  
Relational - engaging with other youth, teachers pouring into them, feeling support from partners in North America and more!
Nutritional – infant and child nutrition, healthy meals and snacks, nutritional education, and more!
Educational – tuition, life skill courses, tutoring, teacher and school staff salaries, and more!
Health – wellness check-ups, dental cleanings, illness prevention courses, and more!
Empower kids to rise above their circumstances!

Don and his daughters – Marina, Kelia, Jorlens, Cristely, and Sulmy – live in Honduras.

He wanted to send his daughters to a Christian school, but he could not find one that he liked close by. So, he looked beyond his community and found Lifeline’s Ocotillo Christian School.

Despite the distance, he enrolled all 5 daughters! And he and the girls are happy he did!

Don said, "This school is one of the best. We had been concerned that it was too far from home, but it is a good Christian school. It's worth it! My daughters are learning a lot and are learning to follow God's will,” he said.

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