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Create an unforgettable service
project at your location!
Just gather your church, organization, employees
or community! Your customized event brings everyone
together, no matter their age or ability. 
It can also
be an outreach event 
to bring your community together.
It’s impossible to find the one-size-fits-all
service project for a group

Someone is too young.
Another person is too old.
Someone needs to sit.
Another person can’t sit still.
The group is too small.
The group is too large.
And the list goes on...

We understand the struggle you’re in and we’re here to help.

You gather your people and
we’ll coordinate your event.
We care about your experience
because serving together
should be fun and memorable!

  • All ages and abilities can work together... from grandmas to grandkids and everyone in between!
  • Experienced staff and volunteers ensures your event goes smoothly
  • Events range in size from a few boxes to 1+ million meals
  • Meals are distributed to global ministry partners or even your church’s missionary/mission project
  • Groups of all sizes can pack meals together
  • Events are held throughout the U.S. and Canada

"I believe the future of the church is all about engagement. Lifeline helps Southland engage
6,000 people by packing meals, as we generously extend hope to the poor, which is one
of our highest values. Lifeline also creates a discipleship opportunity by sending people
on life-changing mission trips. And because of that, it was an honor to hug the Haitian
ladies who prepared the meals, and eat a Lifeline meal with a student. 
-Gordon Walls, Southland Christian Church, Lexington, Kentucky

Go even bigger:
Million+ meal events

Million+ meal events are exciting: hundreds of people working side-by-side
knowing that over one million meals will be packaged for the hungry!
It’s a unique experience that unites everyone together.

Take the next step:
Go on a mission trip

Your service project can be more than a one-time event...follow the
meals you packed and be part of serving them in the mission field.
See God move in another culture.
Because it's more than a meal...'s a tangible way to share Jesus' love!