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How Life in Abundance Works

Partnering with the Local Church
We seek and partner with the local church because we believe it is who Christ ordained to carry on the purposes of God. There is no other body that knows the local community better than the local church because they are made up of that same community. We also know long after our work is complete within a community, it is the local church who is left to continue the work.
Integrated Sustainable Programs
Effective transformational development—the kind that restores health, renews hope and inspires lasting transformation—requires integrated, sustainable solutions that address the root causes and unique circumstances in each community. 

Watch LIA in action!
Life in Abundance follows 3 steps for sustainable, community-driven development

1. Engage Local Leadership
We enter a community with the Lord’s guidance and ask that He reveal “men and women of peace.” We gather the local pastors and community leaders and cast vision together for their communities.

  • Prayer
    We begin with prayer walks around the community with local leaders and pastors, declaring the Lord’s favor over the ground and praying down strongholds within the community. This sets the groundwork for “wholistic” transformation to take place.
  • Community Assessment
    Vision Seminars are then held for those interested in implementing our model. We gather 5-7 local churches to build their capacity to meet the needs of their community for long-term support.

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2. Invite Church Partnership
We partner with and work through the local church in a three-year commitment. During this time, we equip and empower the church through a wholistic development model that addresses the whole person through the spiritual, social, and material areas of life.

  • Local Leader Development
    We empower the leadership from within the local church through training and equipping. We walk with local leaders as they conduct a survey to determine the needs of their community.
  • Training of Trainers (TOT)
    We mobilize local leadership to begin strategizing how to meet the needs that were identified during the survey. To address the root causes of poverty, local leadership organizes a committee to implement our transformational model.

3. Cultivate Community Ownership
As the church is positioned to engage their community, individuals from within the church and community are transformed and begin to take complete ownership of the process.

  • Church Mobilization
    Local leadership then initiates a seed project in order that they may begin meeting those needs by implementing our model through various program initiatives that are achievable by the communities. These initiatives include Economic Empowerment, Community Health, Education, and Social Engagement.
  • Phasing Out
    Once these initiatives are established and the local leadership’s capacity is developed, we begin to decrease involvement so the community can take complete ownership of their transformation.

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The Turning Point for Ownership
The single most important piece of our model is the phasing-out stage. This process is truly the turning point that allows the church, the community, and individuals to take complete ownership over their transformation.

When programs mature and development takes root, a natural multiplying effect occurs. New programs are implemented in the community and/or the established program is replicated in another community linking the two communities together.

Church Outcomes
When the Church is placed back in its rightful place within the community, the following occurs:

  • Strengthened faith within the church
  • Accelerated conversion growth
  • Reconciliation in relationships
  • Mobilization of gifts and callings
  • Increased relevance to and participation in greater society

Community Outcomes
When the community takes ownership of its long-term development, the following occurs:

  • Local leadership participates in identifying needs and solutions.
  • Leadership is equipped to meet the needs of the community in a sustainable way.
  • Preventative actions are implemented not just curative responses.
  • The community begins to replicate its programs.
  • The community is healthier as a whole. We are one step closer to the Kingdom of God here on earth.

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Individual Outcomes
Not only are communities transformed through our integrated initiatives, but individuals show they are transformed through both Word and deed:

  • Trained and Educated
  • Empowered and Supported
  • Basic needs are met
  • Provide for themselves and their families
  • Live life more abundantly
  • Become an agent of change in their community

To learn more about Life In Abundance and their wholistic transformational development model, visit their website.

Already, several communities have been identified as good candidates for the BeFriend Project! They are simply waiting for a church partner. Contact to connect your local church today!