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A Better Tomorrow

As told by Erda; translated by Raynald M.

I am so happy to tell you about the role that Lifeline Christian School played in my life.

When I was a child, my parents’ biggest challenge at the time was having enough food to feed me and my five siblings.

Back then, schools were very expensive in Haiti. Few parents could afford them. But Lifeline knew this, so they decided to make school affordable for all by making their school fees low. Lifeline also gave its students a hot, nutritious meal every school day. For those two reasons, my parents decided to enroll me at Lifeline Christian School. I was one of its first students!

Without Lifeline, it would not have been possible for me to be where I am today. In fact, Lifeline has given thousands of students the opportunity to be educated and have a better tomorrow.

As a child, I dreamed of being a teacher. My teachers were my mentors and role models. I looked up to them a lot. They worked hard to keep each and every student on track so that all would succeed. My classmates and I were blessed to have them in our lives. My teachers’ love for their students made me want to do the same for my own students some day.

My first experience teaching was as a Sunday School teacher at Lifeline Christian Church, right next to the school. I remember noticing that the children loved when I read Bible stories to them! Teaching children became my passion.

Now, I am a 4th grade teacher at the very same Lifeline school I attended as a child! In fact, I have been teaching there since 1988…. for 34 years! 

It wasn't easy when I first started, but because I love this job so much, each day seems like a fresh opportunity to educate students for the future of my beloved country.

I think that I am a good teacher because I am very patient. I know how to keep my students engaged. They see me as not only their teacher, but also their friend. It is such a blessing to be with my students. I consider them to be my own children! 

Just as when I was a child, this school continues to offer access to quality Christian education to children who normally might not have been able to attend. The school continues to charge only a very small fee, and it still offers a daily hot meal. The students also have access to medical care at the health clinic on the same property, which is a blessing.

Reading, science, history and the Bible are my favorite subjects to teach. I have always loved literature and writing. I also emphasize civic education because I want my students to be good citizens and to work together for a better society in our country.

With the Lord’s help, many of my students now have a university diploma and are serving their country through their profession. Some are nurses, doctors, teachers, and engineers. I love knowing that I played a small role in their success in life! It is always a joy for me to see those who come to visit me. 

I want to thank everyone who over the years has supported Lifeline. Thank you for your help by providing a better tomorrow for Haiti!