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A Community Finds God

As told by Stuard L., translated by Raynald M.

Stuard and family
Left to right: Rebecca, Joshua, Dieukila, Pastor Stuard, Shella

My name is Stuard. I grew up in Saint Michel de L'Atalaye in northern Haiti where the land is rich for farming and rivers flow freely. Great mountains surround the area. It is a beautiful place. The people of this region value education and their Christian faith. It is home to many large churches, and, when I was a child, most people learned to read and write.

When I was a university student in Port-au-Prince, I learned through a friend about Lifeline. Bob DeVoe, who founded Lifeline in 1980 with his wife Gretchen, was trying to find a pastor for a new Lifeline church in western Haiti. Over time, he offered me the position!

At that time, there was only one church in that area and very few Christians; however, there were many voodoo temples. People were afraid to come and accept Christ. 

I felt very burdened to bring Christ into the lives of people there. When I and a few other Christians started praying and sharing the word of God, hearts started softening. People began to follow God, which motivated me to continue to pursue this calling. 

Lifeline was a light in this region. Through Lifeline’s church, people found hope and God, and souls were saved. Now, several decades later, I am still a pastor there. 

Thanks to Lifeline’s leadership seminars for pastors, I have gained leadership skills, learned how to win more souls for God, and learned to be a good mentor for my church. If I didn't have these skills, the work I do for the Lord would not bring many souls for His kingdom. My faith is stronger than ever: I have learned to trust God because He always wants the best for us even in hard times. 

Lifeline has also had a positive impact on my family as well. My brother and my wife Dieukila both were teachers at Lifeline’s schoo there, which helped them provide for many family members. 

My children attended Lifeline’s school there and were active members of the church and youth ministry. Lifeline transformed their lives in many ways, both spiritually and morally. Through the church, they learned to support others and to help other young people succeed and trust God. Now, Joshua (42) works at the school, Rebecca (34) is a teacher, and Shella (30) is a youth leader. In many ways, Lifeline contributed to their development and empowered them to serve God and their community. 

God’s work through Lifeline has been tremendous. The area is different both spiritually and economically than it was when I first came here. By providing education, a strong church community, and employment opportunities, the region is stronger economically and Christian principles pervade the community.

When you donate to Lifeline, you are opening possibilities not just for 1 person now, but for entire families and communities in this generation and the next.