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A Community Project: Moving Forward!

Written by Ebelina Arteaga, Honduras Youth Communications Coordinator

This story began several months ago, in the summer of 2022. It’s the story of the vision and collaborative minds of local leaders. It’s the story of the power of a unified spirit for the good of the community. And it’s the story of the power of a $25,000 grant.

Read our first article about this project here (Part 1).

Phase 1
In the summer of 2022, five members of Lifeline’s Honduran staff invited leaders from 8 local communities to participate in a series of leadership training workshops, ultimately for the purpose of developing a single project that would benefit the residents of all of their areas. The leaders included pastors and government leaders as well as some with no political or religious affiliation. 

At first, the leaders had many questions: “Why is Lifeline bringing us together?” and “What is the ultimate purpose of this?”  

They were also hesitant to be collaborative. They brought their own strong opinions to the meetings. Some of them held tightly to their own project ideas.  Some were defensive because they are from different political groups. Some participants did not trust each other.  

But with time, because God was in the mix, unity was finally achieved! The community leaders now have a harmonious relationship, common goals, and an openness to each other’s ideas. 

"The training was excellent. I learned a lot about how to do things in a better way, how to build trust and respect, how to solve problems, and to accept and face changes," said Rony Pineda, a leader in the El Porvenir community.

Yohana Patricia Lopez, a leader in the Santa Cruz community, said, "At the beginning it was difficult, but with every meeting it became easier. The topic I liked the most was unity because it helped us to get united!"

By November 2022, they all reached agreement on the community project that they all wanted to pursue: a BANASUPRO store. 

BANASUPRO, which stands for Suplidora Nacional de Productos Básicos (National Supplier of Basic Products), is a government-run store that hires local staff and which offers high quality basic food staples (rice, beans, eggs, etc. ) at lower prices than those of traditional grocery stores. 

In the agreement with the government, Lifeline will build the store retail space using a $25,000 grant from Cross International. The government will rent the building from Lifeline. And that rental income can then be turned around to invest into other community projects in the future.

The BANASUPRO store will be a beacon of hope and support for the larger community! By doing their shopping at BANASUPRO, families will save on their grocery expenses; children will have access to high quality basic foods; jobs will be created; and seed money for future community-benefiting projects will be created!

The leaders are excited about the impact of this new addition to the greater community. Julio Dubon, a church leader in Ocotillo, said, "The BANASUPRO project will benefit everyone in the community because its low prices will allow us to save some money." And Rony Pineda agreed, adding, "Life and a basic food basket here is very expensive. This grocery store will benefit everybody."

Phase 2
Now it’s time to get out the gloves and shovels so that construction can begin!

Lifeline's Honduran leader ask for prayers:

  • Continue to communicate well with Lifeline Christian Mission. 
  • Achieve even greater things with the help of God and everyone involved.
  • Maintain the commitment and responsibility of the community leaders.
  • Be a guide so that leaders feel supported in decision-making.