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A Good Son

Written by Deybee Berrios, Guatemala Country Director

Today I would like to tell you about Ángel, a 12-year-old member of our church. He lives in the center of San José Pinula, Guatemala, in what is called Zone 2. This is a somewhat dangerous place, but the family does not own a home and cannot afford to live in any safer zone. Despite the difficult conditions of this area, Ángel's family lives in peace.

AngelBefore coming to Lifeline's church, the family bounced from church to church and had no fixed place to find fellowship and grow in their faith. Five years ago, they found our church, and since then, they have been stable and have not wanted to go anywhere else! They say this is their church and that in this church they feel good and can serve the Lord.

Ángel is a very focused young man! His mother Gladys is a Bible school teacher, and Ángel enjoys helping prepare crafts for her class and helping the youngest children when they need assistance.

In the same way, at home he helps his mother and his younger brothers, Jimmy and Rosmery, with their homework; and he helps his father, Luis, with whatever he needs. Gladys said, "Ángel is a good child! He is the best! I thank God for my life and for the wonderful son that He has given me."

Ángel hopes to one day be able to play the drums in church as a way to worship and serve the Lord.

We in the church have seen God work in Ángel's life over the past five years. According to his mother, even at a very young age, Ángel talked a lot about God at home. We are overjoyed to witness the strength of his faith and the boldness of his heart that is always seeking God!