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A Life Dedicated to the Lord's Work

Written by Pastor Nocent Telcine; translated by Raynald Metilus, Haiti Together Manager

Pastor NocentGreetings to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.

My heart is filled with joy to share my testimony with you of how God has used me to share His Word with the people of Laregal, Haiti. 

My name is Noncent Telcine, and I was born in Petit-Goâve. My wife of many years is no longer with me but with Jesus; she passed away in 2010 just after the earthquake. We have eight children and eleven grandchildren.

I grew up going to a Catholic church; but at age 19, I decided to go to a Protestant church instead and got baptized. I met my wife there and got married four years later. As a couple, we began our ministry, preaching the gospel to unbelievers. We also found work for the local government, going to remote areas around Petit-Goâve  to give vaccinations and first aid to the sick. This gives us the opportunity to preach the gospel to our patients.

In 1983, on our way to Laregal, we encountered a sick family. We tended to their needs, gave them injections, and soon they began to feel better. They told us that they wanted to accept Christ as their Savior!

At that time, we were attending Lifeline Christian Church in Deuxième-Plaine near our home, so we invited them to come to our church. The family told us that it was too far for them to walk every Sunday, so they offered us land near their home where we could set up a tent to hold a worship service with them! We told them that we would worship with them at the tent every Tuesday, but that on Sundays, we really wanted them to come to Deuxième-Plaine Christian Church for our religious service.

Pastor NocentEventually the news of this arrangement made its way to Lifeline's founder, Pastor Bob. We told him what was going on. Pastor Bob came to Laregal to visit, and in 1985, he decided that Lifeline could start a ministry there! 
Lifeline soon bought land for a church and school for the people of Laregal who needed the Word of God.

I had a lot of tough times during my ministry there. I lost one of my sons when the river took him away as we walked down the hillside to Deuxième-Plaine; but, that didn't stop us from doing what we love: preaching the good news to our people.

Today this place is for God, and many people have given their hearts to Jesus and do not go to voodoo temples to worship.

I can say my dream has come true. I thank God for Lifeline Christian Mission and for the wonderful work they have been doing in Laregal for the glory of God. I am no longer a pastor due to my health problems; I am getting old! My son Philémond is now the pastor of the church and has a wonderful committee that works together to share the good news and prepare young people to become good Christian men and women for God.

Please keep them in your prayers so that they continue to do the work of the Lord our God.