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A Medical Team Brings Hope to Guatemala

Are you or someone you know a medical provider, interested in sharing your expertise with a community far away? Consider a medical mission trip with Lifeline! Keep reading to learn about the great impact you can have.

Written by Deybee Berrios, Guatemala Country Director

When I go for walks, I often wonder about the people inside the house. Just from the outside, it's hard to know the struggles that are happening inside. When given the chance, I take the time to talk to the homeowner to hear about their life, their joys and their sorrows. Often, especially in remote or rural areas, I find that people struggle with health issues.

In Guatemala, functioning health centers are usually only available in the largest cities. In smaller or remote communities, health centers either do not exist or they have been shut down due to lack of doctors and funding.

Such is the case with the health clinic in the village of El Carmen.

The closed health center, in El Carmen, Guatemala

For years I and members of my church (San José Pinula Christian Church) have known that El Carmen and other communities in the mountains have no access to basic and essential health care. We have prayed, “Lord, how can we bless these communities that are suffering due to lack of medical care?” 

God answered us last year when He sent a small American medical team to us, to assess the medical needs in these remote communities. 

One of the people they met was Don Bernardo, a respected community leader in El Carmen. He told us about the village’s many needs, health care being one of them.

Don Bernardo, who helped make arrangements for the visiting team, with his wife

After the team returned home, we all continued to pray. What did God have in store for us? How would He answer our prayers? God is so good: Within months, I received the news that the medical team would send an even larger team to Guatemala in 2023 to provide services in the mountain villages! 

Our hearts were filled with joy... and peace. God had truly answered our prayers! And when we told Don Bernardo, he said he couldn’t believe it! He was excited and grateful, and he got busy making arrangements for the “mobile clinic.”

When the time finally came, Guatemalan doctors, nurses, church members, interpreters, community leaders, and pastors joined the visiting North American medical team. Together, they served over 800 people in five communities, including El Carmen where Don Bernardo lives.

“I am 60 years old and have served my community for many years. In the past, many had promised to come with medical care, yet no one ever did. Until now,” said Don Bernardo after the clinic. “Your team did great good for the community. No one will ever forget it.” He was moved by the kindness, patience, respect and professionalism of the team.

And his wife added, “I was filled with joy when I saw that the team prayed for each person. We all need prayer. And each patient received a Bible! How wonderful to see them leave with not only medication but also with a Bible in their hands!” 

The Bible tells us that when we pray, unite and act, things happen that neither eye nor ear has seen or heard.

Bibles were given to all who came to the clinic... because God's word heals our souls.

Many families who received medical care expressed their gratitude and their hope that the medical team can return in the future. They saw not only what this team gave to the community but also what this team represented to this community -- God's love. God’s love for His people is great. It is an honor to serve Him, together. 

Many thanks to the medical team for supporting and blessing Guatemala. There is still a lot to do here. We want you to remember that our doors are always open to you!  

Explore opportunities to serve on a medical mission trip -- or any type of mission trip -- at

Deybee Berrios (left) with one of the people who received help at the mobile medical clinic