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A Mobile Clinic Brings Healing & Hope

Written by Dennis Gutierrez, church elder

Healthcare is readily available in many parts of the world. But in some places, such as Honduras, healthcare might be either unaffordable or simply unavailable depending on the location.

In Gonzales, Honduras, finding medical services is a challenge for many people. Leaders from Gonzales Christian Church knew that Lifeline has a medical clinic in the neighboring city of Ocotillo. Wanting to help the Gonzales community, they asked Lifeline’s clinic staff to send a mobile clinic to Gonzales.... and the clinic staff said, "Yes!"

On May 28, 2022, Lifeline’s healthcare staff packed up their equipment, supplies, medications, and personnel, and brought this mobile clinic to Gonzales. In total, 57 patients were treated, ranging from adults to small children. 

People in this community need to know the love of God. The leaders from the church used this as an outreach opportunity. They preached the word of God to patients who came to be seen by the medical staff, and the patients listened attentively to the message about Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. And after the appointment, church members prayed with the patients before saying goodbye.

These people not only received medicine for their physical illnesses, but they also received words of encouragement and the word of God which are like spiritual medicine.  

“People responded so well to the event. They were so grateful for the medical and dental services. They received medicine for their bodies and spiritual assistance for their souls. We prayed for their lives and their salvation. It is a pleasure to me to know people are relieved from their burdens (in this case, in health) and that they also now know the source of eternal hope.” 

~ Doctor Rebeca Zuniga

“Participating in this mobile clinic and collaborating with the church was a joy and privilege. It was a reminder to me of why God led me to study odontology: to show His glory through me. I love to serve this way. I think that I received more blessings from the church than what they got from me! I thank the Lord for that. When I started the day, I felt I was in need and lacking. But at the end of the day I was full, with new strength! I was able to see smiles, received hugs, and was built up.  It was a wonderful experience and a joy to be part of that day.” 

    ~ Julissa Suisse, dentist

The Lifeline medical staff and the church in Gonzales know these kinds of activities are important. Through physical needs, people can come to know the Lord.

Click here to learn more about our health & nutrition ministries and how you can be involved!