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A Mother Just Knows

A Mother Just Knows

Written by Andy Sims, Vice President of Leadership Development

Born into a poor, yet loving family in Honduras, Deybee's unlikely journey of faith has taken him through Costa Rica, El Salvador, and even Ecuador. For the past 5 years, he and his wife, Yoselyn (with 4-year-old Valentina), have led Lifeline's ministry in Guatemala.

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At a family gathering several years ago, Deybee expressed how overwhelming it felt to recount all the ways God had blessed him. "Can you believe," he asked them, "what God has done in my life?"

"Of course I do," his mother replied.  

She went on to tell a story about the start of Deybee's life. Deybee had been born with a heart defect. There was little hope for survival without surgery, but what chance would a desperately poor family in Honduras have of that?

At the time, Deybee's parents didn't go to church and their faith was nominal at best. But, in the midst of her heartache, his mother cried out to God. "Lord, if you will spare my baby's life, I will dedicate him to you."

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Over the years, their family had been sharing the miracle of Deybee's healing, each birthday a reminder of God's faithfulness. Faith eventually blossomed -- first in Deybee before spreading to all of his family. But, no one dared to dream of all that he might become or accomplish... except his mom. She hadn't shared her prayer of dedication with anyone, including Deybee, until his improbable journey was well on its way.  

When her little boy excitedly retold the stories about Jesus he'd heard from the visiting missionaries... she knew that God was going to use him in big ways. When he wrestled to balance his big dreams with his meager resources... she knew. When he met a beautiful, Christian girl in Costa Rica... she knew. When doors unexpectedly opened in El Salvador for him to study in Lifeline's Bible Institute... she knew. When he was the obvious choice, even at a young age, to launch Lifeline's new ministry in Guatemala... she knew!

Sometimes, a mother just knows.

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