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A New Church in La Lima, Honduras

Written by Ebelina Arteaga, Honduras Together Manager

La Lima is a bustling Honduran city of 75,000 hard-working citizens. Downtown streets are lined with small shops and street vendors. Sugar cane and “Chiquita” bananas grow in fields outside of town.

In November 2020, two back-to-back hurricanes caused tremendous damage in Honduras. La Lima and neighboring towns were hit hard. Many people lost everything and had to live in shelters for weeks on end.

To help, a group of local Lifeline pastors and leaders cleaned and rebuilt many homes in the area. While doing so, they shared God's love and the Good News of His kingdom with the people there. 

La Lima churchThe people of La Lima were hungry spiritually. So in 2021, Pastor Jose Luis Hernandez decided to start a house church there! Since then, the house church has been meeting weekly with 17 adults and 20 children, using a church member's yard for their meeting space.

Pastor Jose Luis said, “It is important to have a church in this community because it helps us spread the Good News and strengthen God's Kingdom. We have done many different projects to help people here with their needs. We are now known by the community and have bonded with many of the families. We are accepted by the people of La Lima.”

On Sunday, January 30, 2022, La Lima Christian Church was inaugurated as the newest Lifeline church in Honduras! It was a very special day! 

Please pray for more people to open their hearts to God in this community. Pray for Pastor Jose Luis Hernandez, his wife Norma, and their two daughters, Alison and Zuriela, as they lead and help these people come to Jesus Christ and know him as their savior. And please join the church in praying for land on which they can build a permanent church building in the future!

children in church