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A Peek into a Container Outfitting Project!

Written by Brad Hammond, Vice President, Field Ministries

In each of the countries where Lifeline is ministering, we are working diligently to create ministries that are moving toward self-sustainability. Container Outfitting is helping this happen in several locations in Latin America.

A great example is Lifeline's church in Cofradia, Honduras, which has a brand new facility constructed with 2 outfitted containers. The two containers are spanned by a metal roof. It is because of this facility that the church is seeing progress toward self-sustainability.

The facility is incredibly multifunctional. First, it serves as the vocational training center with courses in woodworking and electrical work. As the students are being trained vocationally, they are also being discipled to live out the way of Jesus. 

Income is generated from work done for outside clients. This will help the ministry become more sustainable and, at the same time, give young people the opportunity to learn a trade, allowing them to make a steady income that will support their families.

Secondly, and just as importantly, the space also serves as the center for church activities during the week for children and adults. And, of course, it also serves as a space for worship services on the weekend.

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