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A Quality Education.... A Better Future

By Madai R., translated by Ebelina Arteaga, Honduras Together Manager

Madai and daughters
Left to right: Cesia, Madai, Diana

My name is Madai. I was born in the large city of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, but when I was 13, my family moved to the outskirts of town to a community called Ocotillo. 

At that time, gangs were active in Ocotillo. When I was a girl, a young woman was murdered in broad daylight. We lived in great fear. I begged my mother to move us out of the place. But my parents could not afford to live anywhere else. So we stayed there.

When I was in the 7th grade, a neighbor told us about Ocotillo Christian School. Even though the 7th grade was full, the director made an exception and allowed me to enroll. All other schools in Ocotillo were also full, so getting a spot in the 7th grade at this school was a blessing from God! A couple of years later, my sister Selene also enrolled.

At my previous school, the teachers didn’t expect much from the students, but at Lifeline’s school, the academics were demanding. It took time for me to adapt to the new rhythms. I had to learn to be responsible in my studies. I studied every day to get good grades. During the day, I was always relieved when 11:00 came because that meant that I could go out to the kitchen for lunch.

I was always impressed with how protective and caring the teachers were. They would not allow students to leave the school campus without parental permission during school hours. 

The teachers cared about us not only physically and mentally, but also spiritually. The daily Bible teachings helped me grow and mature in my faith. We prayed to start our school days, and we prayed again at the end of each school day.

The Bible teachers helped me a lot and often gave me advice. I had three Bible teachers: Pastor Antonio, Luis, and Mardoqueo. Their advice strengthened me spiritually and taught me a lot about the Bible. Pastor Antonio and his wife Maya are now like parents to me. They always guided me to be like Jesus. I have not forgotten this. They also impressed upon me the importance of giving thanks to God at all times. It is a lesson that I now teach my own daughters. 

Sunday school was and still is mandatory for Lifeline students. As a student, I enjoyed Sunday school, and I started to go more often to church. I attended the services on Tuesdays for Bible teaching, on Thursdays for the women's meeting, on Saturdays for the youth meeting, and on Sundays for services. For 4 years, I was a Sunday school teacher. Because of my involvement in the church and the Bible instruction I received at school, I now know the love of Jesus and His mercy for us. I can instruct my children in His ways.

There was a period of time that my father would not allow me and my sister Selene to go to church because he said the streets were too dangerous. He was worried that something would happen to us on our way to or from church. But my faith was strong enough to sustain me even though I could not go to church during that time.

Madai's familyI am happy to say that my daughters are now students at this same school. We decided to enroll them because it is the best school in Ocotillo. A quality education promises a better future. I am confident that this school will prepare them well.

As a parent, I am able to attend the school's parenting workshops. I learn a lot, and try to apply the principles in order to be the best mother I can be.  

My daughter Cesia (age 8, 3rd grade) loves praying. She prays before eating, at bedtime, and when she wakes up! Diana (age 5, kindergarten) loves to paint and draw. She creates art projects as birthday gifts for people she loves. Their teachers have given them confidence! They had been shy, but now they are not afraid to speak in public. 

Ocotillo Christian School has expanded their services in recent years. The school now has a computer lab and a library; students and teachers use these facilities to advance their knowledge and build their skills. The medical clinic now has a new laboratory; the expanded services help the students and people in the community. 

I credit the medical clinic with my daughter Diana’s health today. She was born with a blood infection and was sick for quite awhile. With the clinic’s help and my trust in the Lord, she is better now. Through that trial, my faith was strengthened!

Lifeline’s ministries in Ocotillo have changed this community, and they have had an impact on me and my family. I thank God for His work through the ministries of the school, church, and clinic!

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Madai and daughters