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A School in the Mountains

“I love my school because I am able to learn great things and also they teach me the word of God. School makes me happy because I can play with my classmates and I like my teacher.” - Abel, fifth grade student

Abel lives in a mountainous community in western Haiti. Most people in this area are farmers. A long footpath along a creek and steep hillside connects this quiet community to the main cross-country paved road. This makes it challenging for local farmers to buy and sell their produce. 


Thirty years ago, Lifeline established a school here because the children in this area had no other school option.
 To this day, it remains the area's only school.

And Abel and his family are so grateful. His mother told us about the profound impact of this school on their lives: 

“Lifeline is important to us for the good education our children receive in this school. The school plays an important role in the life of the students by guiding them to a good path for their future and enabling them to receive a Christian education.” 

This school focuses on the entire well-being of the children.
Through every activity and class, the students learn what it means to live for God. Moreover, the school transforms these students so that they become productive and good citizens for their country. 

When children graduate from this school in the mountains, they are empowered. Higher education is a real possibility for many students after graduation. 

Former students have moved on to become nurses, lawyers, and agronomists in the cities. Several teachers at the school are alumni who returned to continue blessing the community.


Pray for the school and its community!

  • Pray for safety over the students, especially for those who live further away from the school and make a long journey each day. 

  • Pray that the students see and know the presence of God in their lives.

  • Pray for the teachers who continue blessing the students.