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A Shepherd for Guatemala

Written by Deybee Berrios, Guatemala Country Director

Pastor DeybeeMy name is Deybee Berrios. I am 36 years old, and I am Honduran.

It all started with a call in 2007. I was 20 years old and was invited to attend Lifeline’s Bible Institute which was located in Costa Rica at that time.  This experience was transformational for me. It changed the direction of my life completely. 

It was in the Lord's plan that I learn about Lifeline Christian Mission through Pastor Jose Rodriguez (pastor of Lifeline’s church in Panama). After completing the program, Pastor Jose invited me to serve as pastor of a Lifeline church in El Salvador. For 6 years, I served in this special country.

My wife Yocelyn, my daughter Valentina, and I now live in Guatemala, where I have been serving as a Lifeline pastor for 7 years.  In total, I have been a pastor for 13 years.

I strive to spread the gospel in Guatemala through evangelism, discipleship, and the preaching, preparing new workers for the service of the Lord. I like spending time with people and serving in communities in need of God's love.

I have an excellent full-time team that helps me take the message to cities, to villages, and into the mountains of San Jose Pinula.

Pastor DeybeeAs a pastor, I thank the Lord for giving me the privilege of preaching His word. It is an honor to serve Him in the ministry and to see how the gospel impacts and transforms lives. This fills me with joy and gives me strength to continue to take up my cross every day and follow in the footsteps of the Master.

Lifeline pastors have a lot in common. We share the same mission and passion for people and their relationship with Jesus. Through this ministry, churches, pastors, missionaries, professionals and volunteers can all be  the hands of God. We are a great family that is growing each year.

May God bless each pastor and his ministry. Thank you so much, from Guatemala!