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Bringing Hope and Health to Hundreds

What happens when doctors and nurses gather for prayer, pack up supplies, and take a mobile clinic to those who need careHundreds receive much-needed health care! Hundreds are prayed over! And hundreds receive hope and assurance that their well-being is worthy of attention.

Mobile Clinic

Over two busy days in June, our Honduran medical team and a local pastor went to Lifeline's Living Hope Church in Tegucigalpa, and to Lifeline's newest church in Los Diamantes. In total, 450 patients received medical and dental care, 100 children learned about Jesus, and God’s name was praised!
Our church leaders in these communities now have stronger friendships and a greater sense of unity. We are excited to see the fruit to come.

Mobile Clinic Children's Activities

Your donations are making a difference in the lives of many. Thank you!

The need for mobile clinics in underserved areas always exists in Honduras. The Honduran staff would like to do them monthly.

Your help is needed! Donate today to Global Impact to ensure that our medical team can continue to bring hope and help to hundreds who need it most.