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Celebrating New Pastors!

Written by Mardoqueo Aldana, Pastor of Choloma Christian Church and Coordinator of Lifeline Bible Institute

new pastors praying

On November 24, 2021, Lifeline Bible Institute in Honduras celebrated the graduation of new pastors!

Completing the program was not easy! It required persistence and determination. Throughout the program, their faith strengthened, their leadership skills grew, and their vision and purpose became more clear.

At the graduation ceremony, the Institute teachers spoke about how this ministry changes lives and prepares workers for the Kingdom of Christ. They also thanked God for providing the funding and resources for the Institute through generous donors who believe in the importance of discipleship and multiplication.

The students spoke of their gratitude for their training, their character growth, and their excitement for what lies ahead. These graduates will now begin their ministries alongside experienced pastors in various places in Honduras and Guatemala.

They ask for prayers for this new chapter in their ministry work, as well as for new students in future years! With God’s guiding hand, they know that they will be able to overcome any challenge that comes their way.