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Celebrating Our High School Graduates in Honduras!

Written by Kesaia Cojon, Honduras Together Manager

In November 2021, 14 students graduated from Ocotillo Christian School with a degree in Computer Technology! Since 2015, 137 students have graduated from this program, prepared to step into jobs in the IT industry.

At the ceremony, the parents lifted their hands and prayed over their sons and daughters. It was a beautiful moment! They gave thanks to our Lord for the lives of these students and for His purpose for each of them.

CarlosCarlos, who was the valedictorian, spoke to the graduates and said,

I came to this school in 2018 when I was in 10th grade. It was hard for me to adapt to the school since I was a new student and knew only 2 other students. But thanks to them and  extracurricular activities, I was able to make new friends.

In 2020, I was in the 12th grade. Everything was going perfectly: I was happy and was going to graduate that year. Unfortunately, the pandemic disrupted my plans. Taking classes virtually was hard enough as I had internet connection issues, but also, my father became sick. These obstacles prevented me from graduating on time. 

But finally this year, thanks to our heavenly Father, I am fulfilling my goal to graduate! I thank all of the teachers for supporting me during these difficult past few years.

Another student, Cecilia, shared these thoughts with her classmates and the audience:

Brazilian author Paulo Coelho once said, "The world lies in the hands of those that have the courage to dream and who take the risk of living out their dreams."

Today we say goodbye to our school to start a new chapter. Our experiences here left a footprint in our hearts. It is in this place where we learned  the meaning of friendship, unity, solidarity, and joy.

On behalf of all of the graduates today, we offer our gratitude. 
First, we want to thank God. Because of Him, we have been able to attain our dream of graduation. 
Secondly, we thank our parents who have played an important role in our lives. They have supported us despite the difficulties. They have always believed in us and have been examples of strength, humility, and sacrifice. 

We thank our teachers who have been pillars of support to us. Thank you for providing your knowledge, for preparing us academically, for correcting us when we didn't do things right, for motivating us to keep moving forward, and for your advice on facing the world.

To my classmates, let me remind you that our path is not done yet. The road to reach our dreams and goals is still long. We have been blessed to share good and bad times, and today, each of us will go our own way. But in our memories and in our hearts, we will always remember what we shared.

I'd like to share one final quote with all of you, by Jean Piaget, who said, "The principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done."

The students ask for prayers as they each pursue their next steps. May they each know God more deeply in the coming years and be a light of hope wherever they go.