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Container Outfitting Brings Mobilization, Development and Empowerment

Written by Mike Gleason, Short Term Mission Experience Guide

Abandoned shipping containers are common sights behind warehouses. But with some vision, creativity, and inspiration, a simple shell of a container can be outfitted into something that can transform a community!

In partnership with Homes of Living Hope, Lifeline has developed a Container Outfitting program that transforms containers into new, useful spaces which empower communities.

To date, four containers have been completed and installed serving as: a restaurant training school in Honduras; a church and vocational school in Honduras; and a classroom in Haiti. Nine more container outfitting projects are in progress or will start soon, destined to become a surgical center, classrooms, and a church/community center. Eight North American churches and a financial firm have mobilized their people and resources to make these projects possible.

One project that is currently in progress will serve an important need in El Salvador! Lifeline Christian Church in San Julian has rented a house where they have held church services for many years. The house is small; its size limits the growth of the church and its ministries; and the rent expenses are burdensome.

The San Julian church leaders began to dream big and pray hard. They wanted a permanent home for the church and an end to rent payments. They dreamed of a building that fosters community development. They prayed for a means to generate local church income because they want the church to be financially independent.

building siteThen God stepped in! Southwest Church (Springboro, OH) had been a partner of the El Salvador church for about 5 years. First Christian Church Huntington Beach (CA) had packed Lifeline meals for El Salvador. God planted in their hearts to do more.

The church leaders and Lifeline’s staff put their heads together and started drawing up plans, listening to the El Salvador leaders’ dreams. The wish list and vision started to come together:

● 150 seat capacity for worship
● Children’s ministry classrooms
● A house for the pastor’s family on site
● Space for a pig pen for an animal husbandry program, for economic empowerment
● Space to rent for a small store, restaurant, or other micro businesses

rendering of church

Southwest Church has mobilized to provide and outfit the container which will become the classroom space. First Christian Church has mobilized to provide a container that will house the café, office, and storage space. Worship services will be held in the space between the two containers, under a truss roof which will be installed by El Salvadorans.

The end result will be a beautiful, multi-purpose facility that will impact lives in many ways! Through Container Outfitting, people and communities are being mobilized, developed, and empowered to serve the Lord and His people!

Learn more about Container Outfitting today, and see how your church or business can mobilize to empower a community!
work on San Julian container