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Cross Cultural Bonds

Are you thinking about going on a Lifeline trip? Whether you are considering a general trip or a more specialized trip, we can help you find a match that fits you!

construction crewIn January 2024, a team of men traveled together to help a Honduran construction team with a project. And in the process, so much more happened!

Their construction project was to update a former parsonage for new uses. It will be used as housing for some young women who are transitioning out of Lifeline's children's home. And, it will provide short-term housing for vocational students.

On this trip, the men enjoyed...
  • working shoulder-to-shoulder with Honduran workers
  • eating meals together and discussing their cultures
  • joining an evening Bible study under a big almond tree
  • worshipping God together in two different churches
  • joining the local church in ministry work
  • sharing their skills and demonstrating the gospel to the community.
"I have been on many trips with Lifeline to several different countries," said one participant. "Always a great experience!"

Check out the 2024 Lifeline trip options to start making your plans!

Thanks to the construction crew, this former parsonage will soon be put to new use!