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Edilma: Ready to Lead Women!

Written by José Rodriguez, Panama Country Director

Edilma lives among the indigenous people of Panama. 

As a pastor’s wife, Edilma loves to minister to people by going house-to-house to visit with them. My wife Rosa has watched Edilma grow as a leader and has watched her passion for growing the women’s ministry among the believers in this indigenous area. 

Last month, my wife Rosa traveled to this region and asked Edilma to lead the women’s group in the church on the indigenous reservation. Edilma was excited and said she is happy to do pastoral work among the women there.

Edilma told Rosa that her dream is to hold a conference for the indigenous women and the women of Central Church Panama, an urban church. "Dreams are possible," Rosa told her, and they began to pray right then about this future project!

Investing in the lives of people like Edilma is so important! Leaders like her preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and help us plant new churches, which is a top priority for us. The gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives and empowers nations.

To learn about Lifeline's ministry in the area where Edilma lives and how you can help fuel ministry there, click HERE.