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Eternally Grateful!

Myrthe and daughter
Myrtha (right) and her daughter (left), who received nutritional and medical support in the nutrition program in Haiti. 

As told by Myrtha; translated by Raynald, Youth Communications Coordinator

I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to share what Lifeline has done in our lives through the love of Christ.

We live in a beautiful town in western Haiti. When my daughter was young, things were very complicated for our family. We wanted to better understand God's plans for our lives, and we also needed to find a way to get support so that we could progress in life.

I heard that Lifeline has a nutrition program. Lifeline has many other ministries that help people, too, especially spiritually. I decided that Lifeline could be a good fit for me and my daughter.

So, I took my daughter to Lifeline's clinic for an evaluation, and she was accepted in the nutrition program. At each visit, the clinic staff prayed. They shared the love and Gospel of Jesus, and they taught us how to trust and serve our Heavenly Father.

This is how I started to gain a better understanding of God and how He started to lead us for His glory! 

Now, years later, m
y family relies on God. We are strong Christians in the Kingdom of God!

Thank you, Lifeline and all supporters, for being the hands and feet of Jesus in our lives.

We are eternally grateful to God and to you!

Find out more about Lifeline's health & nutrition ministry!