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Faith in the Father

Written by Nahomy; translated by Deybee Berrios, Guatemala country director

NahomyMy name is Nahomy, and I want to share a little about myself.

I am 14 years old. For the past 9 years, I have attended Línea de Vida Church [Lifeline Christian Church in San José Pínula, Guatemala]. I was baptized last year!

After my baptism, my faith began to flourish. I began to attend a weekly Bible study at church on Mondays.

The pastor’s wife took me under her wing and encouraged me to teach Sunday school. To train me for this ministry, she took me for 3 months to “Cadaniño,” a nonprofit nearby that serves orphaned, vulnerable, and disabled children. During those 3 months, I learned to teach children and help them spiritually.

Recently, I even joined the praise ministry at church as another way to serve the Lord!

All of this has helped me a lot in my personal and spiritual life. I have drawn closer to God. And I have talked to my family about Him and the love He has for each one of them.

I have learned along the way that God can fill needs that no one else can. 

I never lived with my biological father. He has another home. There was a time when not having him around was really hard for me. I needed his love and wished he was around to give me advice. 

But as I learned more about God, I came to understand that my heavenly Father loves me more than anyone else does. And while I still feel a need for my earthly father, I have a new sense of peace because God fills that void. 

When I try to envision my future, I see myself working with young people who don't know God. I also dream of being able to study criminology.

I hope my story helps you. God is the only person we need. I encourage you to follow the ways of God!

Nahomy with Sunday School students
Nahomy (center, back) is passionate about helping children learn to love and follow God!

Nahomy singing in the praise bandNahomy, singing in the praise ministry