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Feeding the Hungry in Afghanistan

An Afghan proverb says, "There is a way from heart to heart."

God calls on us to meet the needs of the hungry regardless of how far they are, regardless of where they are. Flatirons Community Church in Colorado partnered with Sozo International to do just that, serving the people in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Flatirons Community Church recently packed 285,120 Lifeline meals. Then, with the help of our service women and men at Peterson Air Force base in Colorado, the food was transported to Kabul on Air Force aircraft. The food fed thousands of Afghan civilians! Watch the transportation process here!

Sozo leadership expressed their gratitude to all involved in this process, saying that they are "honored to be able to share so much food with so many people." They send their greetings and said that they felt loved by this generous donation to their people.

The vision of Sozo is to "be a catalyst of hope and change in some of the most vulnerable and forgotten communities in the world." Even in the toughest places on earth, where hunger and instability lurk, Sozo is at work. Lifeline was humbled to be part of this process.Sozo food