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Florinda's Smile Lights Up a Room!

Written by Jose Rodriguez, Panama Country Director
Florinda is a happy and hopeful 6-year-old. She brings joy wherever she goes!

Florinda lives on the indigenous Ngäbe-Buglé reservation in Chiriquí, Panama. It is a beautiful mountainous area where most people work in agriculture. Here, Florinda lives in a humble house and spends a lot of time with her grandparents.

The children of the indigenous reservation are typically shy because the reservation is so remote. When they see an unfamiliar person, they usually do not smile or want to talk.

Yet for Florinda, this is not true. Her grandparents say that she is always bubbly and has an infectious, easy smile. Even the fact that she has not attended school due to the pandemic has brought her down.

One day, I went with members of Central Church Panama to visit the people of the reservation. We brought boxes of Lifeline meals to share with them.

When we arrived at Florinda’s house with boxes of rice, she jumped with excitement! She knew that those boxes contained food that Panamanians love: rice with beans.

Florinda and grandparentsI asked Florinda, "Why are you so happy?"

"I am happy,” she said, “because I will be able to eat rice with beans and fried egg every day!" I laughed out loud at her quick response.

Because people in this area are typically shy, I gently asked Florinda, "Can I take a picture of you, and can you be my model today?"

She answered, "Yes! Yes!" She was so excited to be the Lifeline rice bag model!

Florinda is a reminder to us that we should not tire of going to remote places to bring benevolent help along with the hope in Jesus Christ. The Lifeline meals ministry has helped bring the gospel to many people. Lifeline is making a difference in Panama!

I am grateful to Connection Pointe Christian Church for packing this shipment of rice for Panama!

Thank you to all partners who help pack meals in North America so that people around the world can receive the nutrition that they need and learn about Jesus at the same time!