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Forward Movement Against the Odds

Written by Brad Hammond, Vice President of Field Ministries

You may have seen news reports of continued and expanded violence and civil instability in Haiti. Certain areas of the country are especially volatile and dangerous, and increasingly so. Most international news outlets are not reporting extensively, if at all, on what’s happening in Haiti, despite Haiti being only a 90-minute flight south of Florida. Often, one has to really search to find recent news about Haiti. 

In summary, an estimated 300 gangs exist in Haiti, and the largest ones have mercilessly taken over as much as 90% of the capital (Port-au-Prince), entire neighborhoods, and communities. For too many, leaving home means risking one’s life. Hunger and human rights violations are on the rise. The national government is essentially non-existent. There is not a single elected official in office at this time.

church congregation praying

It is through God’s provision and power that Lifeline’s programs and ministries are able to continue in all three of the regions in Haiti where Lifeline has a presence. God has equipped our Haitian leaders with a level of courage, fortitude, and determination to help them face these unprecedented times. I believe that God’s work through our ministries and staff in Haiti will bring hope and healing to those touched by Lifeline’s ministry.

It is in moments of suffering like this that make humans want to find a way out of this world.  However, it is precisely for moments like this that Jesus has sent us into the world. I am reminded of Jesus’ prayer in John 17:15-18 when I think about the significance of what the Church is to be in each of these communities. Jesus prayed, "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world."

Positive News
Medical Clinic Reopens in Haiti!*

* Due to the security situation in Haiti, we are not currently referencing locations or full names of individuals living in Haiti.

After a temporary shutdown, one of our medical clinics in Haiti has reopened once again! It has been a lot of hard work, especially during these very difficult times in the country.

Renovations and improvements have been made to the clinic. The leadership in this region has selected a new staff. Changes have been made to the clinic’s functioning systems that will accelerate the move toward self-sustainability.

Two weeks ago, the clinic launched with a "soft opening." School children and church members of the Lifeline churches were among the first to be cared for. This soft opening also allows for the staff to discover any kinks that may need to be worked out before the full grand opening.

It is a human reality that when our bodies suffer, our hearts often open to our God. Please pray with our Haitian staff as the medical clinic joins Jesus in His mission to be Good News to the whole person so that those who are treated physically may also experience freedom spiritually.

More Positive News
Haitian Leaders Meet in the Dominican Republic for Important Training

Haitian leaders in the DR

Last week, Lifeline’s regional Haitian leaders traveled to the Dominican Republic to receive training from leaders with Lifeline's partner, Life in Abundance (LIA), an African-founded mission.
The training was an orientation centered on Wholistic Transformational Development. LIA leaders from Kenya, Jamaica, and the United States came to the Dominican Republic to train Lifeline’s Haitian leaders.

The Lifeline Haitian leadership will be entering a coaching partnership with LIA in which they will begin in-depth planning for transformational development in each of the communities where Lifeline churches are located in Haiti.

Development in the third-world context is not for the faint of heart. Gospel-centered development is even more difficult. LIA’s leadership are experts in this field and will be incredibly valuable to Lifeline’s leaders in Haiti!

"If we give children a good education, but they forfeit their souls, we have not achieved the mission.
If we help people escape financial poverty, but they forfeit their souls, we have not achieved the mission.
If we accomplish creating a sustainable food source and clean drinking water, but the people forfeit their souls, we have not achieved the mission." 
~   Kagunda Chege, LIA

Jesus has invited us into His mission of reconciling His good creation back to Himself. It is wholistic mission that brings Good News to the whole person (spiritually, physically, emotionally, economically, etc). It requires both a proclamation and a demonstration of the Gospel, the Good News that the Kingdom has arrived and that Jesus is offering every human true life, life to the full!

Pray for Haiti, the people, and our Haitian staff who are working hard each and every day toward a more stable, God-centered future for Haiti and its future generations.

Brad Hammond (left) joined Lifeline's Haitian leaders for training on Wholistic Transformational Development, in the Dominican Republic.