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God Called Me

As told by Ruth, a Lifeline clinic nurse in Haiti

My name is Ruth. I grew up going to church. At age 14, I gave my life to Christ.

I always wanted to be a nurse, but my parents could not afford to send me to nursing school. In my heart, I knew that nursing is what I was called to do. So I prayed to God, “If you make a way for me to go to nursing school, I will use the profession as a ministry to reach people for your glory.”

God answered that prayer in 1978 when he brought a woman into my life who took me into her home and paid for me to attend nursing school! I even had the opportunity to study theology at Boulos University in Haiti.

I have worked as a nurse at Lifeline’s health clinic for 37 years now. I am happy to work for Lifeline! I can’t even count the number of people God brought to our clinic and healed them for his glory.

Christ guides me in my work each and every day. Often, I see people in difficult circumstances: patients with tough medical problems; patients who are extremely poor; and patients who travel from very far away to get to the clinic. But I sleep well at night because my hope and trust are in Christ. 

At the clinic, patients receive more than just health care. I and the medical staff also talk to them about the Healer Jesus Christ. What a privilege to be able to talk to patients about the Great Healer. Many of our patients have accepted him as their savior. I only wish more people would come to know him!

I guess you could say that I’m a fixture in the clinic. Because I have worked there for 37 years, the patients and the community tend to think that I must have founded the clinic as a ministry myself. I’ve even heard people refer to the clinic as “Miss Ruth’s Hospital.” 

I am married, but my husband lives in the USA. We see each other every year. It is very hard, as you can imagine, to be apart from my husband; but he is very supportive. He is happy that I am in this profession. Even though we want to see each other more often, we both know that God called me for something special and big: evangelism.

Prayer requests:

  • Please keep me in your prayers
  • Pray for my patients’ safety as they travel to the clinic from sometimes far away
  • Pray that the Healer can use me to provide physical and spiritual healing for His glory!
Lifeline's healthcare ministry exists because when Jesus brought the Gospel into a community, he brought it holistically. He didn't just forgive people's sins; he cared for their bodies and brought healing. We believe that the Gospel is Good News for the whole person!