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God Used Lifeline to Change My Life

Written by Carlo, and translated by Raynald M.

My name is Carlo, and I live in Haiti. I am delighted to tell you how Lifeline Christian Mission and God’s love have blessed my life.

I grew up on La Gonâve, a large island off the northwest coast of Haiti. When I think about my childhood, one memory that comes to mind is that everyone lived like one big family and took care of each other.

My childhood was fun but also very tiring. My parents were both sailors and farmers, so I had a lot of chores to do to help them. Very early in the morning, before going to school, I had to help my father with agriculture chores; and after school, I had to feed the animals. 

My father taught me many skills which helped me to be strong and not dependent on people. He taught me how to plant as well as some basics about sailing a boat on the sea. I grew up thinking I’d be a farmer. I did not like sailing at sea!

Most people around us were Catholic. Every Sunday, I did my best to go to church with my parents. If my teacher didn’t see me in church on a Sunday, I knew I’d have problems!

As an adult, I moved to the mainland of Haiti where I hoped to find a job. I became aware of Lifeline Christian Mission as a possible employer. In 1987, Lifeline hired me as a Lifeline security guard and gave me the training I needed for this role.

I did not know much about Jesus. At Lifeline, I’d hear people talking about Christ, but I didn’t believe or understand what they were saying. As a non-Christian working for a Christian organization, I was greatly influenced by the other staff. Gretchen and Bob DeVoe, the founders, always shared God’s love with people and set a good example of the Christian life. The DeVoe family shared the good news with me and with the many mission teams that came to Haiti over the years.

It was because they and others shared the gospel with me and treated me like a brother that I became a Christian by receiving Christ into my life.

I have worked for Lifeline for many years now and still feel the same love and friendship among my colleagues. To me, this place feels like an ambassador for Christ. 

I am now a full-time lawn caretaker and gardener at Lifeline. I am married and am the proud father of a son and daughter, both of whom attend the local Lifeline school. I work hard to live a life that is pleasing to God. 

I am so grateful to Bob and Gretchen DeVoe for the incredible work they have done in my community both spiritually for Christ and economically for people to find employment. I would also like to thank the missionaries who supported Lifeline for the advancement of the kingdom of God in Haiti and in the world! We ask you to continue to pray for us and our country and we will do the same for you. May the peace of God be with you.