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God's Fingerprint

Written by Kathy Goodin, who went on a short mission trip to Honduras

I went to Honduras thinking Lifeline’s main ministry was meal packing. Little did I know about the container project or the empowerment training so many receive! 

Who knew the many uses of a shipping container! We saw a shipping container transformed into a classroom, a restaurant and a workshop. We heard stories of how individuals were trained in running a business as a means to provide income for their families. Each individual first thanked God for His provision and for the blessing of Lifeline. Each was filled with the hope of a better tomorrow.

When I look back over my week in Honduras, God showed up in many ways. I saw God in:
  • a missionary team who went to Honduras as twelve individuals but which came back to Kentucky/North Carolina as one
  • our leadership teams who modeled the hearts of a servant and being Christ to our neighbors in Honduras
  • the universal language of laughter as I played a hand clap game with a three-year-old who spoke no English
  • the joy on the faces of those who lived in poverty but were rich in the love of God
  • the singing of worship songs in two different languages combining to praise our ONE TRUE God
  • an elderly Honduran woman praying for ME
  • the hospitality of those who served us a delicious lunch at one home and biscuits and coffee at another
  • the Honduran women initiating games with our team in an effort to get to know each other better, and
  • the ministering and praying of one of my teammates over a stranger at the airport who was battling cancer.
I came back to the States with a different set of eyes and a heart that will forever love the Honduran people.

I also came back with a better understanding of how Lifeline leaves God’s fingerprint on the lives of so many it touches. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity.

You can have an experience like Kathy did! You too can see God's fingerprint on the lives of the people He touches in the countries where Lifeline does ministry work. Your short term mission trip in 2023 or 2024 awaits! Get started here

Kathy and her teammates did activities with students at Lifeline's school

Kathy and her team, united as one, after seeing God's fingerprint on His work in Honduras!