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Haiti: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Haiti A picture is worth a thousand words
Article written by Brad Hammond, Lifeline’s Field Leadership Coach.

This picture was taken in Haiti’s capital of Port-au-Prince in the area called Champ de Mars. The fires burning in the background are from recent protests. 

It captures so many emotions involving the current realities in the nation of Haiti: fear, resistance, sadness, violence, and unrest. Yet, at the same time, there is a strange beauty found in this picture, representing a beauty that is inherent to Haiti. If you have visited Haiti, you understand that among all the difficulties you may see in Haiti, there is beauty that is always present.

Beyond the beautiful landscape of Haiti, it is the strong and persistent spirit that exists in so many of our Haitian brothers and sisters that we find so beautiful. Our leaders at Lifeline Haiti have done an extraordinary job of persisting in kingdom work over this past year of instability.

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Left picture: Kemson Dorzil, Lifeline's Grand Goâve Regional Leader, has been a rock for the Lifeline staff. He has continued to keep the staff focused on our King’s words from Matthew 6:10, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Right picture: t-shirt reads: “Love with all your heart. Serve with passion."

Yes, the unrest continues to rage on in Haiti. The latest instability has been centered around a violent protest from some of Haiti’s National Police who want unionization and better working conditions. The economic and political crises are also still front and center. Gang violence is still a reality.

Even amongst the strain that these events have brought on everyday life for our brothers and sisters at Lifeline, there is an ever-present kingdom work that advances through them and gives hope.

  • The Good News of the Kingdom is being preached,
  • children are being educated,
  • infants are being given nutritional health,
  • families are receiving safe and structurally sound homes,
  • men and women are being trained toward economic empowerment,
  • and the list goes on.

Our Haitian leaders, empowered by the Holy Spirit, are at the center of it all, pressing on. They need your daily prayers. The journey is hard. In their own words, “Jezi konnen tout bagay! Jezi ka fè tout bagay!” - Jesus knows everything. Jesus can do anything!

We know you miss the beauty of Grand Goave, so here are some pictures for you!

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Please continue to pray for our Haitian brothers and sisters!