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Helping Students Thrive

Written by Raynald, youth communications coordinator, in conjunction with Madame D and Mr. R

Education in Haiti is a top priority for families. It’s key to children’s holistic development and future opportunities.

Yet for Haitian children, getting individualized help with academics can be a challenge. In Haitian schools, class sizes may be large. Teachers don’t typically have an aide or parent volunteer to assist them. After-school tutoring is uncommon. Teaching and learning resources may be limited. Parents may not have the time or skills to help their child with homework. 

In Lifeline’s largest school in Haiti, an innovative program known as “intervention” is helping ensure that students do not slip through the cracks.

Madame D and Mr. R (initials used for confidentiality) are the school’s intervention teachers. They pour their hearts and energy into helping students who are struggling with below average grades to rise to their full abilities. 

Intervention is for 2nd, 3rd, or 6th graders who struggle in reading, math, and language arts. Every week, Mondays through Thursdays, Madame D and Mr. R each work with small groups students for 20-45 minutes at a time for personalized instruction. 

They reteach concepts that were taught in the main classroom, but with personalization to match the students’ learning styles. And just as important, they want the students to feel comfortable, supported, and free to ask questions. Seeing the students grasp concepts is rewarding!

"I really like learning in a small group of students who need help in the same area. It helps me feel comfortable asking questions. Madame D really helps me. She is patient. If I didn't have this extra help, I wouldn't be in the class I am in today!"

This program has helped countless students over the years to reach their full potential in class. Because of it, more students pass their year-end exams and are promoted to the next grade level.

And confirmation of the program’s value came when it drew the attention of the Department of Education, which praised the success and uniqueness of the program.

"Before the intervention program, when students struggled, we would ask their parents to find a private tutor,” said the school principal. “But not everyone had the money for that. If a tutor was hired, students often found it discouraging. So this program has brought us a lot of success. Our students' ability to learn is enhanced, and their self-confidence increases."

Mr. R is attentive to each student's learning style.

Madame D pays attention to each student's grasp of a concept. 

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