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Hondurans Go on a Mission Trip to Ecuador

How is it possible for good to come from hurricanes and mudslides? We often pray for God to redeem terrible circumstances, and to use them to bring people to Him. Sometimes, our view is too limited to allow us to see how that could happen. Or, also as often, we simply “move on” after the event, and forget to look for God’s movement. We miss that His kingdom is alive and active even when we look away.

In 2021, Honduras was hit by 2 back-to-back hurricanes which devastated communities where our Honduran staff live and work. Lifeline’s Honduran leaders and church members committed themselves to weeks and weeks of grueling work cleaning and helping their neighbors and communities, while also suffering a lot of loss and damage of their own. Through this very difficult experience, their compassion for others’ suffering grew.

In February 2022, a mudslide devastated the community in Ecuador where Lifeline has a school. Mud rushed down from high above the city, down the main street, through a sports field, and through homes. Twenty-eight people perished. Livelihoods were lost, and people were traumatized. Our Honduran staff had a sense for the suffering and the struggle ahead. Their hearts went out to their Ecuadorian brothers and sisters.

Quickly, word of the mudslide spread to Lifeline’s Honduran churches and schools. People wanted to help! Offerings for Ecuador were collected. Plans came together for 6 Lifeline leaders and pastors to travel to Ecuador to provide whatever help they could. It would be a unique cross-cultural mission of Lifeline field staff meeting real physical needs of their Ecuadorian colleagues, but it turned out to be so much more than that!

The Honduran leaders worked with Claudia, Lifeline's Ecuador Country Director, about what a mission trip might entail, explaining that they wanted to provide assistance, support, and encouragement. Claudia quickly gave them the "green light" to come!

dining togetherMuch of their time was spent ministering to the Ecuadorian team, getting to know them, sharing about themselves, praying together, discussing leadership, and developing a strong bond.
They also got out into the community, visited some historic sites, and spent time in the school with the students and former students. 

Pastor Mardequeo reflected, “The moments that I enjoyed the most were when we could spend time with all of Claudia's team, sharing cross-cultural experiences and laughing a lot. Those moments brought us closer, and we forged a friendship. We established relationships, and we are now praying for each other and keeping in touch. I also really enjoyed the time we spent with the Ambassadors (high school graduates who are committed to showing the love of God in their community). They led a time of teaching and worship, sang traditional songs, and shared a bit about themselves. We could see great potential in them.”

He also grew personally, saying, “I learned that I can adapt to different cultures, and that I can grow from going outside of my comfort zone. Yet I also learned that we have many things in common. Everyone, regardless of cultural and educational differences, needs to understand more deeply God's love and purpose in our lives. We are all in a constant search for that purpose.”

Pastor Jose Luis was impacted by what they did together and to think more deeply about his work. “My favorite moment was when the Ecuadorian team asked us about the work we do in Honduras, both in churches and schools. I really enjoyed that conversation! I realized that the work I do in Honduras is not in vain! I was also so impressed to see that everything our brothers in Ecuador do is focused on sharing God’s love, giving hope to people, and guiding them into a relationship with Him.

"A difficult moment for me was when two brothers asked, ‘Would you come to Ecuador as a missionary?’ God seemed to be reminding me that no matter how experienced we feel as pastors, God always has new challenges for us!”

Guillermo, Apprentice Honduras Country Director, gained many new insights from the trip. He said, “I was reminded that God has your back and cares for you wherever you go! Although challenges may come in life, God is greater than all of them. During this trip, God also showed me that He is working in Honduras and through Hondurans using us to share the gospel and impact those who don’t know Him. And He is also using our Ecuadorian brothers and sisters, who have such a passion to lead.” 

Lifeline Christian Mission is blessed to have leaders in all of our fields who are so dedicated to doing the Lord’s work that they think beyond themselves to find new ways to minister to others. Their compassion, sacrifice, and vision are inspiring to us all!

prayer time together 
We are honored to work alongside these leaders. Find out more about leadership development.