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Hope for the Children

What is life like for a Honduran child in a public school? Recently the principal of a public school (not a Lifeline school) shared why she and her school felt so blessed when Lifeline students and a Lifeline mission team came for a service day.

This is what the public school principal shared:

This is my first year at this school. I was thrilled to accept Lifeline students' offer to come for a service day.

images of students' shoesWhy? Because the needs here are great. Some children live in extreme poverty, in unhealthy conditions. Their houses may be made out of cardboard or of whatever supplies they have. 

Often children come to school with empty stomachs. They come to school hungry and wait anxiously each day for the snack that we provide.

Many parents cannot afford to buy school supplies for their child, so our teachers use their own money to buy what the students need. 

a group of childrenLife in a child's home can be harsh. Because of poverty, parents may carry many burdens and frustrations, and they transmit their stress to their children. When a child wants a hug at school, we know it’s because they need affection. Sometimes they even wish they could come to school on Saturdays and Sundays because they feel better here.

I worry about the emotional needs of the students. We want the students to forget about their situations at home while they are in school, so we try to offer fun recreational activities along with learning. 

For all of these reasons, when Lifeline seniors and the mission team came to paint classrooms and share the gospel of salvation with the children, it was a blessing!

girl prayingMany of the students don’t have Christ in their hearts. But I believe that those who learn to love and fear God will have good values. But those who don't fear God may stray into criminal activity.

So, to the mission team and Lifeline students who came to our school, I have no words to thank you for everything you have did. I hope you can come back!

When you go on a Lifeline mission trip, you may have the opportunity to come alongside Lifeline staff or students to minister to children such as these.
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