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Hope on the Mountain

Written by Ebelina Arteaga, Youth Communications Coordinator

In Loma Alta Sur, a small village of 70 houses on a mountain in Honduras, Virginia (80) has lived in the same adobe house for over 50 years.

Her life has not been easy. Virginia was once married, but her husband left her years ago. She had a daughter who died at birth; Virginia never had children again. Her brother lives with her now, but he suffers from alcoholism and is unable to help provide for Virginia. A nurse visits her monthly, and it is the nurse’s husband who provides a little financial support. Her adobe home's roof leaks.

Yet, she is grateful.

Twice a month, Pastor Starky and leaders of Lifeline’s Tegucigalpa Christian Church come to her village to preach the good news of salvation to the lost. They visit her each time. They bring Lifeline meals to share with those in need. They also lead a Bible program for a dozen children in the village. The majority of the adult residents of Loma Alta Sur, they say, are uninterested in God’s message. 

But Virginia is different.

"Virginia has not yet accepted Jesus as her Savior, but she claims to believe in Him. She is always glad to see us and listens closely to the words of encouragement and the Bible study that we share with her," said Pastor Starky.

Please pray for: 

  • Virginia, so that she can soon accept Jesus Christ as her Savior

  • Virginia’s brother and the community in general so that they can open their hearts to the message of God

  • the children to continue attending the Bible program, and that it be used as a means to reach their relatives.

  • Pastor Starky and the church leaders, that they will find their strength and courage in God so that they can continue to share His word.

The children in the Bible program are fed physically and spiritually!