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How can ministry be done better?

How can ministry be done better
How can ministry be done better?

Sometimes good intentions can hurt others more than help them…


Let’s look at this skit (though a little cheesy), it has some good applications….

As you watched that skit, what were some of the things that you noticed?

As you think about Lifeline’s ministry, how can you see some of these same interactions happening?


Let’s take another look at a second act of this skit and see some different interactions.

Things worked out differently the second time, didn’t they? Did you notice that...

  • good intentions don’t always bring about lasting results.
  • sometimes we can leave a person in a worse situation than they were in before.
  • teaching someone brings higher value than just doing it for them.
  • investing in others results in another person who then could do everything all on their own.

During 2019, Lifeline has focused much attention on learning gospel based, community transformation methods known as CHE (Community Health Evangelism).
 This ministry model is not focused just on healthcare (physical), but on the whole spectrum of what makes a community healthy. Things like food, clean water, medication, education, friendships and neighborhoods, purpose and meaning in life, productive employment, peace with God, emotional stability, rest, strong families, and safety. It is a perspective that equips local communities to name issues and explore possible solutions to achieve more overall health in their community.

Man holding beans

Here are the basics of CHE, known as the eight pillars:

  1. Integrate the spiritual and the physical (holistic gospel).
  2. Teach, don’t just “do” for someone.
  3. Prevention has a greater impact than cure.
  4. The local community should own (and drive) the ministry.
  5. Ministry should be sustainable, not dependent.
  6. Effectiveness is measured by producing mature Christian leaders.
  7. Multiplication of ministry and Kingdom workers is a must.
  8. “Development” trumps “relief” for long term impact and true transformation.


Please pray for us as Lifeline continues on this journey. John 15:2 (ESV) says that “every branch that does bear fruit, (the Father) prunes that it may bear more fruit.” Pruning is painful, and change is painful, but if we follow God’s leading we will see our Kingdom impact multiply and his name be praised.

Thank you for your constant support and prayers. If you have any questions on CHE and the direction Lifeline is heading, please contact Joel at Blessings!