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I Am the Happiest Man in the World!

Written by Jose Rodriguez, Panama Country Director

In honor of Pastor Appreciation Month, I want to tell you about Romaldo Coto.

Romaldo, 31, was born in El Salvador and was baptized in our church 12 years ago. He graduated from the Lifeline Bible Institute in 2013 and then became a youth leader and pastor in various communities in El Salvador.

God helped me to see that Romaldo was a gifted pastor. Romaldo had never left El Salvador, but his dream was to be a missionary and pastor. God prompted me to invite him to move to Panama to help me share the gospel with the indigenous people in the mountains of Panama. 

I will never forget his face when I invited him to come to Panama. His joy, excitement, and faith were deep and genuine. Tears of joy filled his eyes as he said, "I agree to serve God in Panama." This was a dream come true!

I told him that we didn't have much money to help him, but Romaldo, full of faith, said, "God will provide for me. Thank you very much for this opportunity to serve Jesus Christ."

Pastor RomaldoHe now is a full-time pastor coordinator to the indigenous people and an associate pastor in that area. 

Getting to the reservation is difficult! Romaldo must walk up to 8 hours a week, climbing mountains, crossing rivers, walking in the rain and muddy streets, and sometimes sleeping in tents or in the homes of church members.

When I asked him how he feels about working there, he said, "I am the happiest man in the world. Thank you for believing in me to do God's work in the indigenous area of Panama."

God is using him to magnify His work in Panama.

Many thanks to all the people and churches that support pastors around the world. You make a difference to save more souls for Christ.

>> In this video, Pastor Romaldo talks with Jose Rodriguez about his decision to serve the Lord in Panama.
