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I Was Crying. I Didn't Know What to Do.

Unable to find medical care for her critically ill baby, Sonia did not know where to turn for help. What happened next surprised her and put her on a path to hope, healing, and salvation! Here is Sonia's story:

"I greet you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I want to share with you my testimony of how my daughter's health improved after being taken care of by the Lifeline clinic in Grand-Goâve, Haiti.

In my community, people might work as vendors, teachers, farmers, builders, or they may work for organizations in town. As for me, my main task is to go from house to house to do others’ laundry.

My partner and I have seven children. I was eight months pregnant when I suddenly gave birth to Sophonie. She was born prematurely. She was very small, and her health was in critical condition. We sought help at the hospital where she was born, but the exorbitant prices were just too much for us. I was crying and didn't know what to do. When I went to other health centers, they all refused us.

As if by a miracle, I met a woman who works at Lifeline’s medical clinic in Grand-Goâve, and it was she who told me that I could go there to find help for my baby and even for myself!


I was amazed at the way they took care of us and the assurance they gave me that my little Sophonie would survive. My baby received good care and nutritious meals which helped her grow and made her strong! 

A lot has changed in my life since I started coming to Lifeline’s clinic. I am now a Christian and a different person than I was in the past! All of this happened because of the love and the good news of the gospel that I received at Lifeline's clinic. I ask you to pray for my partner since he has not yet given his life to Christ.”

Sonia’s story reminds us that God is able to use difficult situations to bring His children to repentance! All patients who come to our clinic are offered prayer and the invitation to come to church because God values each and every person. Each person was created with love."

Finding a daily meal is a struggle for people around the world. Children are suffering from malnutrition in increasing numbers in places like Haiti. You can make a difference today for people like Sonia and Sophonie.

Feed a Child today!